Wednesday, 27 June 2007


Up until now, I thought our friendship was a guise of something deeper. Something I couldn't quite touch or see. It was something I could only feel. The fear of losing you, kept me from saying a thing. What if I was wrong? or perhaps worse still, if I was right. So I went on with this charade. The one where I was your closest confidante, your unquestionable ally and while I acted, I tried to pretend I don't miss you if I'm not with you, that I don't anxiously wait for the phone to ring or hope to catch a glimpse of you somewhere. But I got tired of pretending that I don't want to send you message because I only saw you a while ago. What does it matter, if I choose to enjoy your company? The truth is, I was afraid of falling in love with you, afraid that I was already in too deep: but now, I realise that I treasure what we have too much to ruin it by bringing cupid into the picture. I guess its easy to get romantic notions when two people are as close as you and I. But I've chosen to love you the best way I can. Perhaps not as a soul mate or your beloved, I've chosen to be the best friend I can be. Only then will I not have to pretend that I don't already miss you even when we met a few hours ago, because this time, it will be different. I really will be your amigo and not some besotted girl trying to pass off as your friend. There is that girl God's got for you and there's that guy God's got for me. As I wait for him, I pray that you too, wait for her.

Friday, 22 June 2007


When I pray,
The world falls at my feet,
The enemy cries in defeat,

When I pray,
Whole nations are moved to their knees,
Mindless war begins to cease.

When I pray,
I know the world’s alright,
And its no longer night.

When I pray,
I have a new hope,
Confusion begins to stop.

When I pray,
I find my heart’s rest,
And I remain forever blessed.

Addition by lulu(I love it)

When I pray,
solace comes to me
on angel's wings

When I pray,
the hand of comfort
wipes the lone tears.

When I pray,
the false tide of life
is silenced by the voice of truth

When I pray
all is calm
all is well.

Wednesday, 20 June 2007


Yesterday's past,
tomorrow's yet to be,
today, I choose to trust,
that He'll take care of me!

Friday, 15 June 2007

Gray Skies

When my sky turns gray,
as it sometimes will,
remind me again,
that You're with me still.
Let me not waste single day,
worried, sad or even grim,
remind me again,
that You're with me still.

Friday, 8 June 2007


When the nature of the complexity,
Bars the world from you,
The bars only create a sphere,
Where there’s just Jesus and You.

Monday, 4 June 2007

If I could ask for one thing

Lord if you appeared to me one night,
and told me to ask for whatever I'd like,

I'd ask for Your eyes.

Solomon asked for wisdom,
and some would ask for freedom,

But all I want is Your eyes.

I want to see past the smiles they're faking,
and into the heart that's breaking.

With your eyes,

Let me see beyond the quarrelsome shrew,
into the heart that's in need of you.

Give me Your eyes,

That I might see beneath their bossy exterior,
To the timid soul who feels inferior,

With these eyes,

I'd like to see beyond the masks they wear,
and perceive the burdens they bear.

If I had Your eyes,

I'd see past the beggar's guise,
and into the heart that cries.

Because of Your eyes,

I wouldn't judge them,
-I'd simply love them.