Friday, 22 June 2007


When I pray,
The world falls at my feet,
The enemy cries in defeat,

When I pray,
Whole nations are moved to their knees,
Mindless war begins to cease.

When I pray,
I know the world’s alright,
And its no longer night.

When I pray,
I have a new hope,
Confusion begins to stop.

When I pray,
I find my heart’s rest,
And I remain forever blessed.

Addition by lulu(I love it)

When I pray,
solace comes to me
on angel's wings

When I pray,
the hand of comfort
wipes the lone tears.

When I pray,
the false tide of life
is silenced by the voice of truth

When I pray
all is calm
all is well.


  1. When i pray i have no fear for tomorrow and God listens... This is a nice one

  2. another nice piece from u, feather
    I love it

  3. I believe in prayer.
    It's the soul's sincere desire,
    Uttered or unexpressed,
    The motion of a hidden fire.
    And God always answers.

    Lovely piece, feather

  4. yes, prayer is power !!!

  5. these days, when i pray,
    i don't always hear his answer,
    but eventually i see the result.

  6. Ugo Daniels n' jem say it all. It is the only power we have been given.

  7. scotchbiscuits was here feather. and she was impressed as usual.
    and too lazy to sign in.

  8. Tis true the knee that kneels most stands best!

    Prayer is greatest weapon of ALL!

  9. Beautiful words, prayer is the master key that is able to open all doors. I love your blog.

  10. Prayer is amazing-the mountains it can move.Powerful is like an understatement, it's def. more than that!!

  11. prayer is an art.. i am not ashamed to say that i have not learnt it yet.. I am happy to say that i am learning how to pray

  12. I wrote this when i'd tried everything and when it failed i resorted to prayer. that's when i realised, i'd got it all wrong. i should have prayed first.Thanks guys for the comments about prayer, they mean a lot.

  13. hmm, when i pray,
    solace comes to me
    on angle's wings

    when i pray,
    the hand of comfort
    wipes the lone tears.

    when i pray,
    the false tide of life
    is silenced by the voice of truth

    when i pray
    all is calm
    all is well.

    decided to add to it...
    how art thou/ you have been quiet!

  14. "Confusion begins to stop." I especially like that line.

  15. Lu, I love the addition. I'm going to add to it.
    Pea, thanks, why can't i comment on your blog?
