Wednesday, 23 May 2007


Wrap their arms around you,
Some tender and sweet,
As you think on a loved one,
Some cruel and painful,
Those times when despair won,
Some of giddy excitement,
When you just have lots of fun,
Some of just peace and serenity,
When you blissfully watch the sun,
Then they’re those times…
When their intensity can’t be put to words.


  1. The best of all moments is when the intensity can’t be put to words...counting the blessings of being together through the thick n' thin.

  2. Those words are like a symphony wash over. They are used so well. See you around.

  3. I love your poetry.I used to be able to get stanzas out of me.But now all i can do is enjoy these

  4. There's a time when I just couldn't write. so I wrote how I felt, when i could which could be once in like months. but that turned out to be poetry. poetry i after all only real if its what you feel.
